Conference Proceedings and More
Bachand, S., P.A.M. Bachand, D. Mountjoy, l. Asgill, J. Choperena “Groundwater Recharge on Farmland: Challenges and State of the Practice”. 2019 Conference Proceedings California Plant and Soil Conference. American Society of Agronomy California Chapter Co-Sponsored by the Western Plant Health Association. February 5-6, 2019. Fresno, CA.
Bachand, P.A.M., C. Monreal, R. Hopkins, D. Merritt and D. Cameron. 2018. Flood-MAR under SGMA in the San Joaquin Valley, CA. USCID International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage. October 16 – 18, 2018. Phoenix, AZ.
Bachand, P.A.M., D. Gillenwater, S. Siegel and S. Chappell. 2018. Evaluating Water Quality Improvements Efficacy in Suisun Marsh Sloughs of Managed Wetland BMPs. 10th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento Convention Center, September 11, 2018.
Bachand, P. 2018. Modeled Nitrate Effects to Groundwater for Different Crops under On-Farm Flood Capture and Recharge (OFFCR); Cultural Practice Recommendations. Maintaining Groundwater Quality. University of California Davis. September 5 - 6, 2018.
Bachand, P. 2018. Partnerships On Sustainable Groundwater Management, Flood Managed Aquifer Recharge. Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable. May 3 – 4, 2018. Sonoma County Water Agency. Westside Water Education Center, Healdsburg, CA.
Monreal, C., P. Bachand, D. Munro, D. Merritt and D. Cameron. Design Summary of the McMullin On-Farm Flood Capture and Recharge Project. USCID Tenth International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage. October 24 – 27, 2017. Sacramento, CA.
Bachand, S., P. Bachand, T. Kraus, Y. Liang and W. Horwath. 2016. Reducing dissolved organic carbon and mercury export from subsided Delta Islands with Coagulant–Wetland Treatment Systems. Bay Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA, November 15 – 17, 2016.
Waterhouse, H., S. Bachand, W.R. Horwath, H. Dahkle and P.A.M. Bachand. 2016. Nitrate Leaching Risk from Specialty Crop Fields During Agricultural Groundwater Banking in the Kings Groundwater Basin. Poster. Groundwater Resources Association Conference, November 2-3, 2016, Bakersfield.
Gehlke, R., P. Bachand, N. Stern, R. Ye, W.R. Horwath, D. Baldocchi, B. Lindquist, J. Sierra, J. Hubbard, C. Ochinero. 2015. The AFRI Rice Project: Benefits of Nitrogen Fertilizer Treatment in Rice Planting on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Encourage Subsidence Prevention, Sustainability of Soil Conditions and Water Management Affects on GHG Emissions Public Education Project. San Francisco Estuarine Conference.
P. Bachand. 2015. Groundwater Sustainability - 30 to 30,000 feet perspective. Water for Food Security, A Global Conference. October 6, 2015. University of California, Davis.
P. Bachand, S. Bachand, A Merrill, S. Siegel, S. Deverel, B. Linquist, E. Kirk, S. Knox, R. Ye, M. Espe, J. Morris, Y. Assa, D. Baldocchi, L. Bulter, D.MacEwan, A.Brock, J. Hatala, J.Fleck and W. Horwath. Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Rice in the Delta – The Potential to Mitigate Subsidence and Enhance Sustainability. Bay Delta Conference, October 2014. Sacramento, CA.
Sandra Bachand, Tamara Kraus, Jacob Fleck, Yan Liang, Nicole Stern, Elizabeth Stumpner, William Horwath, Sujoy Roy and Philip Bachand. Low Intensity Chemical Dosing (LICD), A Hybrid Coagulation-Wetland System Designed to Decrease DOC, Hg, and Nutrient Loads from Subsided Islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Bay Delta Conference, October 2014. Sacramento, CA.
N. Stern, S. Bachand, S.Deverel, W.R. Horwath, P. Bachand. Rice Drain Management to Reduce Seepage in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Bay Delta Conference, October 2014. Sacramento, CA.
JA Fleck, L Windham-Myers*, M Marvin-DiPasquale, CN Alpers, CA Eagles-Smith, JT Ackerman, PAM Bachand, W Heim, M Stephenson. 2013. Processes controlling methylmercury loads in agricultural wetlands. Implications for Mercury Transport, Production, and Biogeochemistry. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, July 58 – August 2. Edinburgh, Scotland.
PAM Bachand, SM Bachand, JA Fleck, CN Alpers, M Stephenson and L Windham-Myers. 2013. Transpiration-Driven Hydrologic Micro-Pathways: Implications for Mercury Transport, Production, and Biogeochemistry. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, July 58 – August 2. Edinburgh, Scotland.
P. Bachand, D. Gillenwater, Y. Hennebery, S. Bachand, S. Roy. W. Heim, M. Stephenson and S. Siegel. 2013. Mercury and Dissolved Oxygen Processes in Suisun Marsh – Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Considerations for Tidal Wetland Restoration. California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum, Folsom, CA. April 22 – 24.
A. Merrill., P. Bachand, S. Siegel, W. Horwath and B. Butler. 2012. Can Rice and Tule Wetlands Help Manage a Changing Delta? 7th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA. October 16 – 18.
Henneberry, Y., T. Kraus, W. Horwath, P. Bachand, J. Fleck, D. Krabbenhoft and P. Nico. 2012. Use of Coagulation to Remove Inorganic Mercury and Methylmercury from Solution. 7th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA. October 16 – 18.
Siegel, S. P. Bachand, S. Chappell, C. Enright, P. Moyle, B. Downing and B. Bergamaschi. 2012. Strategies for Resolving Low Dissolved Oxygen and Methylmercury Events Originating in Diked Managed Wetlands of Suisun Marsh. 7th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA. October 16 – 18.
Bachand, P., S. Roy, B. Mills, K. Sayenko, L. Chen, C. Lew and M. Costa-Cabral. 2012. Large-scale Flood Flow Capture for Groundwater Recharge and Reduced Flood Risks. Floodplain Management Association Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA. September 4 – 7.
Pellerin, B A; Saraceno, J; Downing, B D, Bachand, P A; and Bergamaschi, B A. 2009. In situ measurements of organic matter dynamics during a storm event in an agricultural watershed. American Geophysical Union,. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H11B-0761
Oh, N.; Pellerin, B. A.; Bachand, P. A.; Bergamaschi, B. A.; Horwath, W. R. 2008. Impacts of Agricultural Practices on Concentrations and Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H21H-0949.
Henneberry, Y.; Mourad, D.; Kraus, T.; Bachand, P.; Fujii, R.; Horwath, W. 2008. Investigating extent of dissolved organic carbon stabilization by metal based coagulant in a wetland environment. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B23B-0419.
Alpers, C.N., J.A. Fleck, P. Bachand, C.A. Stricker, M. Stephenson, R.C. Antweiler, H.E. Taylor, M. Marvin-DiPasquale. 2008. Linking Effects of Land Use and Habitat with Wildlife and Human Health. CALFED 2008 Science Conference, Mercury Session.
Fleck, J.A., G.R. Aiken, C.N. Alpers, P. Bachand, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, L. Windham-Myers, M. Stephenson, B.A. Bergamaschi. 2008. Mercury Cycling in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Wetlands in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California. CALFED 2008 Science Conference, Mercury Session.
Pellerin, B.A., P.A. Bachand, P.J. Hernes, W.R. Horwath, S.J. Deverel, R.G. Spencer, N. Oh, B.A. Bergamaschi. 2008. Organic Matter Dynamics in an Agricultural Watershed: Sources, Significance, and Strategies to Reduce Drinking Water Concerns. CALFED 2008 Science Conference, Land Use and Drinking Water Quality Session
Bachand, P.A., B. Pellerin, S. Prentice, S.M. Bachand, T. Pritchard, B. Bergamaschi. 2008. Differences in DOC, Nutrients and Particulate Export Concentrations and Loads between Agricultural Land Uses and the Implications on Cultural Practices. CALFED 2008 Science Conference.
W.R. Horwath, J. Gallucci, P. Bachand, S. Deverel, J. Fleck, and D. Mourad. 2006. Use of rice cropping and residue management to mitigate water quality problems and subsidence of California Delta peat soils. International Rice Congress, Proceedings of the Second International Rice Congress, 9-13 October 2006, New Delhi, India.
S. W. Siegel, P.A.M. Bachand, J. Lowe, N.M. Kelly, D. Stralberg, V.T. Parker, J. Callaway, M. Vasey, N. Nur, G. Page, J.N. Collins, M. May, S. Bollens, C. Simenstad, E. Carpenter, R. Dugdale, F. Wilkerson. 2005. IRWM (Integrated Regional Wetland Monitoring): Overall Project Purpose. 7th Biennial State of the San Francisco Estuary Conference, October 4-6, 2005.
S. W. Siegel, P.A.M. Bachand, J. Lowe, T. Carson, J. Kulpa, S. Avent, C. Toms, D. Gewant. 2005. Physical Processes: Inundation, Datums, Salinity, Channel Geometry. 7th Biennial State of the San Francisco Estuary Conference, October 4-6, 2005.
Bachand, P. and J. Reuter. 2004. Advance Treatment Systems in the Tahoe Basin. Conference on Advanced Treatment for Construction Sites. State Water Quality Control Board. October 21, 2004, Sacramento, CA.
Bachand, P.A.M., P. Vaithiyanathan and C.J. Richardson. 2000. Developing management practices to enhance P removal by LICD. Humboldt State University Wetland Conference. 18 – 19 May.
Bachand, P.A.M., P. McGovern, L. Holmes and A. O’Brien. 1999. Poster: The viability of constructed wetlands to meet the National Toxics Rules for metals (Cd, Hg, Pb, Zn, Cu). WEFTEC ‘99. Water Environment Federation 72nd Annual Conference and Exposition. New Orleans, Louisiana. 9 – 13 October.
Bachand, P. On-Farm Flood Capture and Recharge (OFFCR) at an Organic Almond Orchard in the Central Valley (CV): Recharge Rates, and Soil Water and Salt Profiles, Chowchilla, CA. 2017 Groundwater Resources Association Annual Meeting. October 3 – 4, 2017. Sacramento, CA.
P Hernes, BA Pellerin, RG Spencer, RY Dyda, PA Bachand, BA Bergamaschi. Matching scale to processes in stream DOM biogeochemistry. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014.
TE Kraus, J Fleck, YK Henneberry, EB Stumpner, DP Krabbenhoft, P Bachand, P Randall. Reducing surface water total and methyl mercury concentrations and bioavailability using a coagulation-wetland system. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract #B41C-0409.
TE Kraus, J Fleck, YK Henneberry, EB Stumpner, DP Krabbenhoft, P Bachand, P Randall. Reducing surface water total and methyl mercury concentrations and bioavailability using a coagulation-wetland system. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract #B41C-0409.
Horwath, WR. L. Butler, B. Linquist, D. Baldocchi, P. Bachand, S. Deverel, J. Fleck, S. Siegel, and A. Merrill. 2012. Rice culture in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to mitigate past agricultural impacts, improve water quality and sequester carbon. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. October.
PJ Hernes, RG Spencer, RY Dyda, BA Pellerin, PA Bachand, BA Bergamaschi. Dissolved organic carbon source integration in an agricultural watershed. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012, abstract #B21E-0415.
Bachand, P.; Bachand, S. M.; Fleck, J.; Anderson, F. 2011. Transpiration Driven Hydrologic Transport in vegetated shallow water environments: Implications on Diel and Seasonal Soil Biogeochemical Processes and System Management. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, abstract #H41E-1084. Available on ResearchGate, Published: 2011.
S Journet, BA Pellerin, PA Bachand, R Spencer, BA Bergamaschi, PJ Hernes. Partitioning of sediment-associated organic matter in agricultural watersheds: controlling parameters and water quality implications. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #B43A-0348.
Bachand, P.A.M. 2009. Managing Tahoe’s Blues 2: Use of chemical coagulants to reduce small particle runoff. California Lake Management Society Annual Meeting. North Lake Tahoe Conference Center, Kings Beach, CA. October 15, 2009.
Pellerin, B A, Bergamaschi, B A, Downing, B D, Bachand, P A, Deverel, S and Kendall, C. 2007. Dissolved Organic Carbon as a Drinking Water Constituent of Concern in California Agricultural Watersheds. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41C-0665.
D.E. Mourad, Y. Henneberry, W. Horwath, and P.A.M. Bachand. 2007. Reactivity of DOC Components Towards Disinfection By-Product Formation Following Coagulation. The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings (November 4 - 8, 2007); 325 - 12.
L.M. Schile, T. Carson, J.C. Callaway, P. Bachand, V.T. Parker, J.P. Lowe, M. Vasey, and S. Siegel. 2007. Influence of elevation and inundation on tidal wetland vegetation distributions in the northern San Francisco Bay Estuary. ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 - 10, 2007); COS 148-5.
J. Gallucci, D. Mourad, P.A.M. Bachand, S.J. Deverel, J. Fleck, and W. Horwath. 2005. Reducing Non-Point Doc and N Exports with Rice in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings (November 6-10, 2005).
Bachand, P.A.M.,.P. Vaithiyanathan and C.J. Richardson. 1999. Using alum and ferric chloride dosing to enhance phosphorus removal capabilities of treatment wetlands. 1999 ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting. Toronto, Ontario Canada. 18 – 21 July.
Saraceno, J., B.D. Downing, B.A. Pellerin, P.A. Bachand and B.A. Bergamaschi. 2008. DOM Dynamics during a Storm Event in an Agricultural Watershed: Insights on Changes in DOM Composition from Optical Measurements. Land Use and Drinking Water Quality Session.
W. Horwath, D. Geisseler, S. Bachand, P. Bachand, S. Pettygrove, T. Pritchard. 2008. Nitrogen dynamics and hydrology of dairy silage crops. CALFED 2008 Science Conference, Mercury Session. SESSION: Land Use and Drinking Water Quality.
P. Bachand, H. Gibbons, T.Kraus and S. Roy. 2013. Opportunities for Managing Internal and External Phosphorus Loads in Upper Klamath Lake through Lake Treatment and Hybrid Treatment Wetland Systems. 33rd International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society. October 30 – November 1, 2013. San Diego, CA.
Bachand, P.A.M., P. Vaithiyanathan and C.J. Richardson. 1999. Reducing phosphorus concentrations in Everglade inflow waters with Low Intensity Chemical Dosing. Sixth Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Cosponsored by University of Florida. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 11 – 14 July.
Bachand, P.A. and A.J. Horne. 1996. Effects of different plant types and simulated marsh age on denitrification in replicated experimental macrocosms in nitrate-rich wetlands in southern California. Fourth Biennial Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Cosponsored by Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute and University of Florida. New Orleans, Louisiana. March.
Horne, A.J., J.F. Reilly, L. Lund, C. Miller and P.A. Bachand. 1996. Nitrate removal by denitrification in constructed wetlands: a comparison of mass balance and progressive stable isotope enrichment in a large southern California marsh. Fourth Biennial Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Cosponsored by Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute and University of Florida. New Orleans, Louisiana. March
Bachand, P.A. and A.J. Horne. 1994. Phosphate and nitrate removal in experimental wetland macrocosms in the Prado Basin, California. Third Biennial Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, University of Florida. Orlando, Florida. June.
Bachand, P., T. Kraus, W.R. Horwath, S. Bachand, Y. Hennebery, Y.L. Liang, E. Stumpner, B. Pedlar et al. 2016. Low Intensity Chemical Dosing (LICD), Opportunities to Improve Delta Water Quality and Mitigate Subsidence by Leveraging Hybrid Coagulation and Wetland Treatment Systems, Workshop. October 26, 2016, Delta Stewardship Council, Sacramento, CA.