Delta Sac - SJV Rice Evaluation II

Evaluation of Rice Cultivation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta- Rio Vista, CA, 2008 - 2015 

Collaborating Organizations

Bachand & Associates, USGS, UC Cooperative Extension, UC Berkeley, UC Davis and Reclamation District 1601

Funding Organization

Department of Water Resources 

Project Description

This project builds upon the earlier rice investigation[1].  Current agricultural uses in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta cause subsidence when organic soils are drained and exposed to oxygen.  Previous research indicates rice cultivation will stop and may reverse subsidence.  This project, which began construction in October 2008, (1) investigated the effects of rice cultivation in the western Delta on land-surface elevations, water quality, carbon dynamics, agronomy, and economics, (2) identified potential deleterious effects, and (3) recommend possible solutions.  The overall objectives were to determine whether widespread rice production is sustainable and if it is environmentally and economically viable in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.


Bachand and Associates led the design for the rice field systems, providing recommendations for piping, pumps, power, and operation.  Bachand and Associates was also the technical lead on surface water hydrology and water quality investigations.  

[1] Reducing Non-point DOC and Nitrogen Exports from Rice Fields in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta, 2004 - 2006

Publications and Final Reports