Wetland Monitoring
Integrated Regional Wetland Monitoring Pilot Project, 2002 – 2005, 2011 - 2012
Collaborating Organizations
Wetlands and Water Resources, PRBO Conservation Science, San Francisco Estuary Institute, University of California at Berkeley, San Francisco State University, University of Washington, U.S. Geological Survey, Philip Williams and Associates, and Bachand & Associates
Funding Organization
CALFED Science Program
Project Summary
This project examined the effect of wetland restoration on ecosystem processes at different scales to develop effective monitoring methodologies for other restoration projects. The goal was to improve our understanding of restoration and monitoring methodologies such that future ecosystem restoration efforts throughout the San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento San-Joaquin Delta could be more effective. We monitored physical processes, vegetation, birds, fish, invertebrates, landscape ecology, and primary production at six sites from western Delta to San Pablo Bay. Bachand & Associates subcontracted with Wetlands and Water Resources and participated as a co-investigator for the physical processes component of the study. More information on this study is available at www.swampthing.org (Wetlands and Water Resources).
Publications and Final Reports
1. S. W. Siegel, P.A.M. Bachand, J. Lowe, N.M. Kelly, D. Stralberg, V.T. Parker, J. Callaway, M. Vasey, N. Nur, G. Page, J.N. Collins, M. May, S. Bollens, C. Simenstad, E. Carpenter, R. Dugdale, F. Wilkerson. 2005. IRWM (Integrated Regional Wetland Monitoring): Overall Project Purpose. 7th Biennial State of the San Francisco Estuary Conference, October 4-6, 2005.